How can I access my Sqlite database after changing package name in Android? -

in order publish android app had change package name com.example.project had used during development. although, after changed package name cannot access sqlite database longer. tried accessing through .adb, , works old package-name not new one.

how can access db in order put under new package? have copy of old un-altered project file.

many thanks! ak

is on emulator or phone? if developing on phone , have built db want:

  • if phone rooted - use file explorer (or ddms views file explorer) , /data/data/com.example.prackage/databases , place in new package folder.

  • if phone isn't rooted - if have original package code, create backup script copy sqlite file folder /data/data/com.example.prackage/databases - need know db file name too. in new package create reverse of code copy file sdcard new packages db folder.

  • if on emulator - use ddms views file explorer file database folder.

this link may backup , restore:

backup / restore sqlite sdcard


one method, using ddms file explorer

  1. navigate data/data/com.old.package/databases
  2. select database file
  3. click on floppy disk arrow (top right of file explorer)
  4. save file somewhere know.
  5. navigate data/data/
  6. click on phone arrow.
  7. find file saved.

that should copy db new package can use did before.

the above gui using adb command prompt copy db file old package new package, like:

adb pull /data/data/com.example.package/databases c:\tempdb

that should make copy of old db, then:

adb push c:\tempdb /data/data/com.example.package/databases


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