java - BIRT: creating custom dataSetRow / using dataSetRow in js -

scenario have report groups mark && customer (string) price - decimal, id int

| mark | [price] | {expresion} | //in price in group of mark

| customer | [id] | |

price has aggregateon mark , aggregatefunction sum

in {expresion} need show rounded value of [price] next rule(script on render) :

if( total.sum(birtmath.round(datasetrow["price"])) != birtmath.round(total.sum(datasetrow["price"])) ) {  this.getstyle().color ='$color$' } 

datasetrow["price"] have price`s. need in group mark somtink grouped(datasetrow["price"],"mark")

questions : 1: how in javascript function? 2: if not possible , how way ? thank you.

i'd try write javascript function in initialize method of report design. passing parameter "price"

 // inizialize function myroundcheck(obj,price) {   if( total.sum(birtmath.round(price)) != birtmath.round(total.sum(price)) ) {     obj.getstyle().color ='$color$';   } }  // on render myroundcheck(this,datasetrow["price"]); 


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