About Wi-Fi connection after screen is locked of iPhone 3.1.3 and later -

i studied ios programming guide in ios sdk. in in "tuning performance , responsive ss" section having problem. in subsection named "using wi-fi" under above section there 1 note below:

note: note when uirequirespersistentwifi has value of true, has no effect when device idle (that is, screen-locked). application considered inactive, , although may function on levels, has no wi-fi connection. according interpretation note says once screen locked of iphone there no wi-fi connection iphone. check did is, implemented 1 simple application sends 1 udp packet every 6 minutes , sleeps using usleep function of c. after starting application lock iphone button above iphone, still can send packet every 6 minute. if wi-fi connection gets closed according above note how can send packet. seen packet in wireshark, having ip address wi-fi router provided it. think documentation of iphone sdk wrong.

you didn't if iphone in dock when did test. screen locked , charging cable disconnected iphone close wifi connection. when charging cable connected wifi connection remain open.


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