python - Django: Best way for simple hierarchy? -

i have model:

class category(models.model):     name = models.charfield()     description = models.charfield(blank=true)     parent = models.foreignkey('self', blank=true, null=true) 

i want django sort categories respect hierarchy, example:

  • parent 1
    • child 1
  • parent 2
    • child 1

i did research , found 2 apps, treebeard.al_tree , django mptt, both powerful may lead lower performance or harder maintain.

i display categories in website's sidebar , inside admin pages (includes foreignkey in posts model), there low additions/modifications/deletions categories, reading should have no big affect on performance.

is there other app offers , simpler above? can achieve using django without additional apps, using managers or else?

i not see disadvantes using app django-mptt. in fact methods provided optimized give maximum in performance when doing queries hierarchical structures. no reason me worry maintainability and/or performance , quite easy use!


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