ruby - RSpec TextMate Bundle [spec/autorun (LoadError)] -

so updated latest rspec textmate bundle , i'm no longer able run spec test "command r".

  • i have clean version version of textmate installed.
  • rspec version 1.3.1 installed , executable working
  • my project gem generated mr. bones.
  • no rvm installed

the project directory looks this

my_gem_project   spec     model_spec.rb     spec_helper.rb 

when run "command r" textmate execute spec spec/autorun loaderror

/users/jspooner/library/application support/textmate/bundles/rspec.tmbundle/support/lib/rspec/mate.rb:43:in `require': no such file load -- spec/autorun (loaderror) /users/jspooner/library/application support/textmate/bundles/rspec.tmbundle/support/lib/rspec/mate.rb:43 /tmp/textmate-command-767.rb:2:in `require' /tmp/textmate-command-767.rb:2 

the problem rspec.tmbundle/support/lib/spec/mate.rb because requires spec raises loaderror: no such file load — spec error.

i'm not sure why error raised. can type spec on command line can't require in file run textmate.

here current gem versions.

gem list --local | grep spec blue_light_special (0.2.0) rspec (1.3.1) rspec-rails (1.3.3) 

i had same problem it's because newer versions of rspec bundle don't require rubygems - works people use other package managing systems (ie bundler).

the easiest way sort add variable in textmate - details on rspec-bundle github readme -

  • open textmate preferences
  • go advanced tab
  • add variable named rubyopt value rubygems


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