CENTOS Named (BIND DNS) and OPENVPN - How to allow VPN clients to Connect to BIND as DNS -

i have setup openvpn. seems working fine except name lookups not done via bind dns server on server. have added

push "redirect-gateway def1" , push "dhcp-option dns"

to openvpn server config. seem being pushed client.

the problem believe bind dns not allowing client connect , name lookups.

how go configuring bind allow connections vpn clients?

you might running issue of rewriting /etc/resolv.conf on dhcp lease refresh or physical adapter reconnect after vpn has been established. i'd check resolv.conf after vpn connection , after few hours/days when dhcp lease renewed.

there ways disable dns propagation dhcp server, http://raamdev.com/2009/configuring-static-dns-with-dhcp-on-debianubuntu/ details


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