standards - Modified XML still valid for processing? -

this question not xml syntax validation processing of. question can add nodes wihout breaking file? assumit of course person imports file obeys standards , rules.

maby unclear let me provide example:

i have xml file holds somd data.


<item> <name>somename</name> <description>somedescription</description> <contents>  <somecontent1>bla</somecontent1>  <somecontent2>bla2</somecontent2> </contents> </item> 

now want modify file so:

<item> <name>somename</name> <description>somedescription</description> <contents>  <somecontent1>bla</somecontent1>  <somecontent2>bla2</somecontent2> </contents> <mynewcustomattribute>  <somenode>   <whatever/>  </somenode> </mynewcustomattribute> </item> 

the reason convert xml files 1 format can imported in system. create 1 additional node store source xml file, don't loose original data , can spot errors later , stuff...

so in object oriented subtyping (the subtype fullfills requirements of parent type , can used one).

is - or there - possible way extend xml files stay intact original purpose? rules that?

it depends on application processes xml file. if uses relax ng, dtd, xsd validate xml, should schema see allowed, not. if there no schema, depends on processing algorithm. ok, if succeeds.


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