uitabbarcontroller - iPad: 5 feeds into split view -

so have iphone app consist of tabbarcontroller, 5 tableviews (one each rss feed) , webview show selected news post.

i want create ipad app same. how have 5 different tableviews in master view (left view) of split view?

i found description of split view in tabbar, many forums not recommend method. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageid=12525197

alternative: live 5 buttons in toolbar, in detail view. how should communicate button press event master view?

or have not seen smart functionalities split view offers???

really hope can me.. used week of figuring out structure! cheers :)

move 5 rss feeds tab bar left tableview, user can select rss feed, push rss feed left tableview. upon article selection load detail view. twitterific on ipad multiple accounts.


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