XCode: Project portability: How to handle code files shared between applications? -

as create more applications, /code/shared/* increases.

this creates problem: zipping , sending project no longer trivial. looks options are:

  1. in xcode set shared files use absolute path. every time zip , send, must zip , send /code/shared/* , give instructions, , hope recipient doesn't have @ location. not practical; makes zip file big

  2. maintain separate copy of library files each project not acceptable modification/improvements have implemented everywhere separately. makes maintenance unreasonably cumbersome.

  3. some utility go through every file in xcode project, figure out lowest common folder, , create zipped file structure contains necessary files, in correct relative folder locations, code still build

(3) i'm looking for, have feeling doesn't yet exist.


you should rethink current process. workflow you're describing in (3) not normal. sounds complicated , handled relative ease if using source control. (3) doesn't exist , never will.

a configured scm allow manage multiple versions of multiple libraries (packages) , allow share projects (in branches) without ever requiring zipping anything.


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