iphone - Tab bar Application -

greetings of day,

i having issue in app.actually, in app having 5 tabs bars each having navigation controllers each having table view, on clicking cell of table view modal view controller opening , clicking on button of modal view controller second modal view controller opening having 1 button come @ first table view(home screen).i can come first modal view controller last modal view controller by

[self dismissmodalviewcontroller];  

i can come table view 1st modal view controller

[self dismissmodalviewcontroller];  

but need of app come directly @ tableview(or home screen) while clicking on button of last modal view controller.

now issue unable come directly @ tableview(or home screen) second(or last) modal view controller.could please me!!!!

thanks in advance


- (nsarray *)poptorootviewcontrolleranimated:(bool)animated 


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