jQuery Menu Help -

i trying create jquery nav menu slides down show child ul when hover , fadeout when mouse moved off , have following code acts different in different browsers.

hoping guys can spot problem.

    jquery(document).ready(function(){   // menu effects  this.navli = jquery('nav ul li').children('ul').hide().end();   this.navli.hover(function() {    // mouseover   jquery(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).slidedown(300);   }, function() {    // mouseout    jquery(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).fadeout(300);     }); }); 

ie7 , 8 slide , fadeout works ff slide works fadeout not work chrome slide works first time , second time doesn't work , fadeout not work @ all

safari same chrome both webkit...

let me know if guys know why..most appreciated.

most problem initial selector. should jquery('#nav ul li') if nav element id or jquery('.nav ul li') if it's class. see stripped down example based on code here.


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