eclipse - Not able to open the web page while runing test from Selenium -

when run scripts junit test case, browser opens , tries open provided url. but, header , footer of website opened message "cookies , javascript required
in order correctly view website, need cookies , javascript enabled on browser. set browser support these requirements, please visit browser's menu appropriate instructions."

this makes entire script fail web elements not displayed.

you need provide more information:

does behavior happen when access site i.e. without selenium rc involved?

which browser using?

have tried browser? can changing parameters in line:

seleniumid = new defaultselenium( "localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", "http://url"); 

(a useful trick put garbage in browser parameter , when run it, error message shows allowable browser strings.)

have tried enable cookies , javascript? happens then?

if don't want cookies , javascript enabled , using firefox, can set selenium rc use special proxy allow (but selenium tests). see here


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