c++ - show pop-up message in front of SaveAs dialog -
in windows application, possible show popup message in front of saveas dialog after saveas dialog being opened? managed popup shows after dialog closed.
i need edit old application written in c++ (i not author) can't manage task. part of code:
/* ---- called display save file dialog ---- */
ofn.hwndowner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrfile = lpstrfilename; ofn.lpstrtitle = lpstrtitlename; res = getsavefilenamew( &ofn ); /* ---- fix file extension ---- */ messagebox(null, "test", "testing", mb_ok);
if understand correct, want check stuff (for example, file extension) before closing dialog , show message withou closing. if it's please @ ofn_enablehook flag in openfilename structure. in case code like
ofn.hwndowner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrfile = lpstrfilename; ofn.lpstrtitle = lpstrtitlename; /* enables hook function */ ofn.flags |= ofn_enablehook; ofn.ofn.lpfnhook = (lpofnhookproc) myhookproc; /* code here */ res = getsavefilenamew( &ofn );
code myhookproc
static uint callback myhookproc( hwnd hdlg, uint umsg, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) { if (umsg == wm_notify) { ofnotifyw *notify = (ofnotifyw *) lparam; if (notify->hdr.code == cdn_fileok) { /* code here */ } } }
hope helpful you.
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