java - Validation doesn't work on EntityManager.merge() -

i have few validations on entity, @notnull, , generation,

@id @generatedvalue(strategy = auto) @column(name = "id") private long id;  @column @generatedvalue(strategy = private long referencenumber; 

however when calling entitymanager.merge() values not generated. null fields @notnull annotation passed without complain. id not generated.

should switch generation on somehow? how, , where?

in addition kraftan's answer:

  • by default automatic bean validation in jpa 2.0 works if validation provider "present in environment", otherwise silently doesn't work. can add


    to persistence.xml in order generate error if validation provider not found.

  • jpa doesn't support generation of arbitrary (non-id) properties. jpa providers may have extensions.


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