java - How to reference class from external jar file in spring.xml -

this bean define in spring.xml

<bean id="hello" class="test.hello" /> 

i export class hello hello.jar , place c:\customjar.
, set folder windows classpath.

this output

caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.cannotloadbeanclassexception: cannot find class [test.hello] bean name 'hello' defined in class path resource [spring.xml]; nested exception java.lang.classnotfoundexception: test.hello 

for xml file can reference classpath use this

<import resource="classpath:xxxxxx.xml"/> 

but doesn't work in case.


this class sourcecode.

package test;  public class hello {     public void somemethod() {         // here     } } 

and classpath setting.

%classpath% = xxxxxxxx;c:\customjar\hello.jar; 

spring can load classes different jars, without configuration. - me looks hello class not in running application.


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