grammar - ANTLR on a noisy data stream Part 2 -

following interesing discussion bart kiers on parsing noisy datastream antlr, i'm ending problem...

the aim still same : extracting useful information following grammar,

verb            : 'sleeping' | 'walking'; subject         : 'cat'|'dog'|'bird';  indirect_object : 'car'| 'sofa';               : . {skip();};  parse    :  sentenceparts+ eof    ;  sentenceparts     :  subject verb indirect_object     ;     

a sentence it's 10pm , lazy cat sleeping heavily on sofa in front of tv. produce following

alt text

this perfect , it's doing want.. big sentence, i'm extracting words had sense me.... the, founded following error. if somewhere in text i'm introducing word begin token, i'm ending mismathedtokenexception or noviableexception

      it's 10pm , lazy cat sleeping heavily,      doggy bag, on sofa in front of tv.  

produce error :

alt text

doggy interpreted beginning dog part of token subject , lexer lost... how avoid without defining doggy special token... have parser understand doggy word in itself.

well, seems adding any2 :'a'..'z'+ {skip();}; solves problem !


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