php - Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() -

i using codeigniter framework php. have created view named "login.php". once i

created view, loaded view inside of function named "index" located

inside class named "cci" extends controller keep receiving error: fatal

error: call undefined function site_url() in c:\wamp\www\finalp_cci_clone\system

\application\views\login.php on line 12. don't understand issue having because the

welcome page loads fine , second function inside of "cci" class loads fine well.

here of code:

controller files:

function cci() {     parent::controller(); }  function index() {     $this->load->view('login'); }  function test() {     echo "testing data"; } 


/* end of file login.php / / location: ./system/application/controllers/cci.php */

class welcome extends controller {

function welcome() {     parent::controller();    }  function index() {     $this->load->view('welcome_message'); }  function test() {     echo "testing data"; } 


/* end of file welcome.php / / location: ./system/application/controllers/welcome.php */

you have load helper. function site_url() provided url helper, as described here.



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