objective c - NCSFDictionary, Mutating method sent to immutable object -

i have started jump realm of objective-c , getting all. have been working on unarchiving file nsmutablearray , initializing in model array. array filled various nsmutabledicationary's. have seen add dictionaries non-mutable, went ahead , copied regular , put them in mutable , remove old one. solution seems work every instance except first.

i @ loss why work first.

here how initializing all

-(id) initwithlist:(nsmutablearray *)savedlist {     self = [super init];     if (self)     {         int size=0;         serverlist=[[nsmutablearray alloc] initwitharray:savedlist copyitems:yes];         size=[serverlist count];         for(int i=0;i<size;i++)         {             loginlist=[nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithdictionary:[serverlist objectatindex:i]];             [serverlist addobject:loginlist];             [serverlist removeobjectatindex:i];         }     }     return self; }  

here code throwing error, value being read off of checkbox in tableview , passed here change value.

-(void)setmount:(int)row value:(nsnumber*)boolasnumber {     [[serverlist objectatindex:row] setobject:boolasnumber forkey:@"mountshare"]; } 

here error shows when try , change first element

2010-12-01 13:38:54.445 network share[35992:a0f] *** -[nscfdictionary setobject:forkey:]: mutating method sent immutable object 

thanks help. if there better way please let me know.

this loop code wrong:

    size=[serverlist count];     for(int i=0;i<size;i++)     {          loginlist=[nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithdictionary:[serverlist objectatindex:i]];         [serverlist addobject:loginlist];         [serverlist removeobjectatindex:i];     } 

when remove object, array renumbered. after you've processed 1st object @ index 0, original 2nd object becoming 1st object @ index 0, i set index 1, original 3rd object is! means you're processing alternate items original array, , 2nd, 4th, etc items never swapped, , that's why errors you're seeing.

one way solve replace "i" in objectatindex: , removeobjectatindex: calls "0", you're taking items off front of array.

the alternate solution create separate newserverlist array , insert new objects that. @ end of loop, release old serverlist , set variable point newserverlist.


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