c# - Assign event handling delegate in static factory method -

i suspect shouldn't using static factory method here, mean time @ loss how implement this. following code gives compile error on line in createopenport assigns _currentport_datareceived because delegate method isn't static. how can resolve this, preferably using non-static factory method?

    public static serialportservice createopenport(string portname, int baudrate, parity parity, int databits, stopbits stopbits)     {         var service = new serialportservice                           {                               _currentport = new serialport(portname, baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits)                           };         service._currentport.datareceived += currentportcharsreceived;         service._currentport.open();         return service;     }  void currentportcharsreceived(object sender, serialdatareceivedeventargs e) {     var port = (serialport) sender;      var chars = new char[port.bytestoread];     var x = port.read(chars, 0, chars.length);     ondatareceived(chars.tostring()); }  

hmm, static factory static handler not bad idea although try avoiding them sake of unit tests.

implement singleton pattern if there going 1 instance in appdomain. clean , working.


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