javascript - jQuery code refactoring help needed -

an update before, here's i'm dealing with:

<body> <div class="header"> <img class="imglogo" src="img/vegtablelogo.jpg"> </div> <div id="thumbscontainer">   <div class="thumb" id="carrotthumb"> <img id="showcarrot" class="imgthumb" src="img/carot.jpg" onclick=setupveg("showcarrot", "carrotbig") /> </div>   <div class="hidden" id="carrotbig"> <img class="imgbig" src="img/carot.jpg" /> </div>   <div class="thumb" id="brocthumb"> <img id="showbroc" class="imgthumb" src="img/brocoli.jpg" onclick=setupveg("showbroc", "brocbig") /> </div>   <div class="hidden" id="brocbig"> <img class="imgbig" src="img/brocoli.jpg" /> </div> </div> <!-- end thumbs container -->   <script> var active = "";  function setupveg(thumbveg, hiddenveg) {     $("#" + thumbveg).click(function() {         if (active != hiddenveg) {             $("div.hidden").hide("fast");             $("#" + hiddenveg).show("fast", function() {});             active = hiddenveg;         }         else {             $("div.hidden").hide("fast");             active="";         }     }); }  $("div.hidden").click(function () {     $("div.hidden").hide("fast");     isanybig=false; });  </script> </body> 

this code not working unfortunately. have borrowed suggested solution below.

would nice if did work! suggestions, welcome.

i don't think need of flags or if conditions really. think logic is:

  • toggle carrotbig whenever showcarrot clicked.
  • hide div.hidden whenever showcarrot clicked.

so need is:

$("#showcarrot").click(function () {    $("#carrotbig").toggle("fast");    $("#div.hidden").hide(); }); 

.toggle handle 1 of flags (iscarrotbig) , .hide() won't if div.hidden hidden, takes care of isanybig flag.

now.. let's make work broc well...

function setupvegetable(showid, toggleid) {    $("#" + showid).click(function () {       $("#" + toggleid).toggle("fast");       $("#div.hidden").hide();    }); }  setupvegetable("showcarrot", "carrotbig"); setupvegetable("showbroc", "brocbig"); 

if you're interested, can refactor further don't need supply ids each of vegetables. i'll need see html markup though.


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