datagrid sorting -

i have datagrid displaying data being returned stored procedure. works fine. problem want sorting. know there sorting functionality in grid, however, don't want go server , new set of data. want re-sort data being displayed.

anyone have ideas on how done?



basically, couldn't not find easy solution issue. tried updating datagrid gridview control , (for particular issue) difficult. wound un-doing changes , adding grid had data wanted requirement.

if else has issue recommend taking out of datagrid , writing in jquery. of written table had data wanted (and sortable using plug-in mentioned below) in 15 minutes compared hours spent trying jam square peg round hole.

one thing can save current result set users session, provided isn't large. can use build in sorting capabilities of datagrid without dealing round trip database.

you make trip server, trip web server , far faster trip involves database.


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