ruby on rails 3 - Call back to Application Controller error - NameError (undefined local variable or method -

i'm upgrading application rails 2 3. use rights , role approach authentication worked fine under rails 2. in application controller (application.rb) have:

class applicationcontroller < actioncontroller::base

def check_authentication     unless session[:user]             session[:intended_resource] = request.request_uri             session[:intended_action] = action_name             session[:intended_controller] = controller_name             redirect_to :controller => "sessions", :action => "new"             return false      end  end   def check_authorization    user = user.find(session[:user])    unless user.roles.detect{|role|      role.rights.detect{|right|        right.action == action_name && right.controller == self.class.controller_path        }      }      flash[:notice] = "you not authorized view page requested"      request.env["http_referer"] ? (redirect_to :back) : (redirect_to :controller => "sessions", :action => "new")      return false    end  end 


in other controllers i've included before filter.

   before_filter :check_authentication,:check_authorization 

i'm getting following error message, example, when go dashboard controller.

  nameerror (undefined local variable or method `check_authentication' dashboardcontroller:0x0000010291a0c0): 

is there else need change or add make work in rails 3?

thanks, aaron

make sure dashboardcontroller inheriting applicationcontroller i.e. dashboardcontroller < applicationcontroller.


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