ios4 - ActivityIndicator not showing during NSXMLParsing -

i'm write simple app in 1 uiview (called via tabbar) rss-feed loaded url , parsed show feed-entrys in simple uitableview.

within uiview created uiactivityindicatorview, connected uiactivityindicatorview in interface builder , set attribute "animating" , "hide when stopped".

the nsxmlparser starts in viewdidappear , i'm calling

[theactityindicator startanimating];  

at beginning (before starting downloading feed-data , parsing it).

my problem now, activityindicator not showing, seems view not displayed on device @ moment viewdidappear called.

any hint me how can manage that?

i have ibaction defined reload of feed-data , reparse it. after [mytableview reloaddata]; called. @ action (startet via button in toolbar) activity indicator not displayed.

i changed code use threading , works. long parser doing job, there seems no update gui. threading friend if stuck in same problem !


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