actionscript 3 - Enter Key Going To The Next Frame in Flash CS3 and Action Script 3 -

in flash cs3 have 3 frames , when press enter frame 1 goes next frame. want stop in project. when user press enter key in frame 1 should not go frame 2. how in action script 3.0 using flash cs3?

is in published swf or in flash ide? hitting enter key in flash plays timeline.

this happens when hit enter while looking @ swf in flash. try opening in file system.

alt text

if not should keyboardevents:

stage.addeventlistener(keyboardevent.key_up, onkeyuphandler);  private function onkeyuphandler(event : keyboardevent) : void {     switch(event.keycode)     {         case keyboard.enter:             nextframe();             break;     } } 


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