Make a relative path in batch file -

i have batch file wont know drive letter moving around alot.

for example: adobe files reside in: j:\files\new folder\usb\adob

the batch file executed from: j:\files\new folder\usb\usbstick

so tried code:

xcopy /s /y "%~dp0\..\..\usb\adob\*" "c:\program files\" 

but not copy files. how can dynamic?

as drive letter seems relative part of scenario. believe should work better you, unless have misunderstood you.

xcopy /s /y "%~d0\files\new folder\usb\adob\*" "c:\program files\" 

for more variables can use follow these steps:
cmd, type for /? , read @ bottom.

%~i         - expands %i removing surrounding quotes (") %~fi        - expands %i qualified path name %~di        - expands %i drive letter %~pi        - expands %i path %~ni        - expands %i file name %~xi        - expands %i file extension %~si        - expanded path contains short names %~ai        - expands %i file attributes of file %~ti        - expands %i date/time of file %~zi        - expands %i size of file %~$path:i   - searches directories listed in path                environment variable , expands %i                qualified name of first 1 found.                if environment variable name not                defined or file not found                search, modifier expands                empty string  modifiers can combined compound results:  %~dpi       - expands %i drive letter , path %~nxi       - expands %i file name , extension %~fsi       - expands %i full path name short names %~dp$path:i - searches directories listed in path                environment variable %i , expands                drive letter , path of first 1 found. %~ftzai     - expands %i dir output line  in above examples %i , path can replaced other valid values.  %~ syntax terminated valid variable name. picking upper case variable names %i makes more readable , avoids confusion modifiers, not case sensitive. 


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