java - Servlet context injection fail while using jersey test framework -

i'm beginning jersey , trying freemarker working using tdd. want make viewprocessor templates, fail inject servlet context in class.

here class code :

@provider public class myprocessor implements viewprocessor<template> {      [...]      @context     public servletcontext mycontext;      [...]   freemarkerconfiguration.settemplateloader(        new webapptemplateloader(mycontext,            mycontext.getinitparameter("freemarker.template.path")));      [...]     } 

and here test code :

public class myprocessortest extends jerseytest {      public static myprocessor mp;      public myprocessortest() throws exception{         super(new webappdescriptor.builder("com.domain").build());     }      @test     public void firsttest(){         mp = new myprocessor();         string path = new string("test.ftl");         template template = mp.resolve(path);         assertnotnull(template);     } } 

i use maven dependencies follow :

<dependency>     <groupid>com.sun.jersey.jersey-test-framework</groupid>     <artifactid>jersey-test-framework-grizzly</artifactid>     <version>1.5-snapshot</version>     <scope>test</scope> </dependency> 

my code runs fine when deploy local jetty server. if want test code in ide, failed inject servlet context (@context) : mycontext null when run test :/

i think i'm missing something, i'm complete beginner servlet world.

there's couple of ways it. remove constructor , implement configure() method this:

public class myprocessortest extends jerseytest {      public static myprocessor mp;      @override     protected appdescriptor configure() {     return new webappdescriptor.builder("com.domain")         .contextparam("contextconfiglocation", "classpath:/applicationcontext.xml")         .contextpath("/").servletclass(springservlet.class)         .contextlistenerclass(contextloaderlistener.class)         .requestlistenerclass(requestcontextlistener.class)         .build();   } 

or alternatively can annotate test spring context:

@runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @contextconfiguration("classpath:applicationcontext.xml") public class myprocessortest extends jerseytest {    public static myprocessor mp; 


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