.net - Simulate Keyboard Event -

i trying insert string values third party application say, notepad. below code using

[dllimport("user32.dll")]     static extern void keybd_event(byte bvk, byte bscan, uint dwflags, uintptr dwextrainfo);  public  void sim_type(string txt)     {          const int keyeventf_extendedkey = 0x1;         const int keyeventf_keyup = 0x2;         byte[] asciivalues = encoding.ascii.getbytes(txt);          foreach (byte keycode in asciivalues)         {             console.writeline("ascii values = " + keycode);             keybd_event(keycode, 0x45, keyeventf_extendedkey, (uintptr)0);             keybd_event(keycode, 0x45, keyeventf_extendedkey | keyeventf_keyup, (uintptr)0);         }       } 

i giving sample text message example "this test message". getting proper ascii values. in target text box corresponding sample message getting output.

t89 9 1 13:38 02/12/2010513:38 02/12/2010 -5175

could 1 solve this. putting ascii values printed in console

messsage :this test message

ascii values = 84

ascii values = 104
ascii values = 105
ascii values = 115
ascii values = 32
ascii values = 105
ascii values = 115
ascii values = 32
ascii values = 97
ascii values = 32
ascii values = 116
ascii values = 101
ascii values = 115
ascii values = 116
ascii values = 32
ascii values = 109
ascii values = 101
ascii values = 115
ascii values = 115
ascii values = 97
ascii values = 103
ascii values = 101

please thanks, nikil

keybd_event has been superseded sendinput. recommend taking @ windows input simulator provides nice c# wrapper around send input api. can simulate mouse movements sendinput api (and believe they're working on next version of input simulator).

i've used library automation project , seems work pretty well, there quirks (ie keystoke home + shift + end not select text expected).


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