Zend Navigation. Submenu with custom option -
in layout script, need generate / render menu.
if menu item have submenu change menu item render <li
the reason have image on <li>
element if subpages exits!
<ul> <li> <a href="/da/front/news">nyt</a> </li> <li class="submenu"> <a href="/da/front/events">aktiviteter</a> <ul"> <li> <a href="/da/front/document/get/document/barserves-2010-2/doctype/html">barvagt</a> </li> <li> <a href="/da/front/events/history">afsluttede aktiviteter</a> </li> </ul> </li> <ul>
this part of layout script
<?php $config = new zend_config_xml ( application_path . '/configs/navigation/front.xml' ); $container = new zend_navigation ( $config ); $this->navigation($container); echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render();
found solution
my layout file
<?php global $config; $menuconfig = new zend_config_xml ( $config->navigation->file ); $container = new zend_navigation ( $menuconfig ); $this->navigation($container); $partial = array('menu.phtml','front'); $this->navigation()->menu()->setpartial($partial); echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render(); ?>
and partial file
<?php $html = array (); $iterator = new recursiveiteratoriterator ( $this->container, recursiveiteratoriterator::self_first ); $prevdepth = - 1; foreach ( $iterator $page ) { $depth = $iterator->getdepth (); $isactive = $page->isactive ( true ); if ($depth > $prevdepth) { $html [] = '<ul>' . "\n"; } else if ($prevdepth > $depth) { for($i = $prevdepth; $i > $depth; $i --) { $html [] = '</li>' . "\n"; $html [] = '</ul>' . "\n"; } $html [] = ' </li>' . "\n"; } else { $html [] = ' </li>' . "\n"; } if ($page->haspages ()) { $liclass = $isactive ? ' class="active submenu"' : ' class="submenu"'; } else { $liclass = $isactive ? ' class="active"' : ''; } $html [] = '<li' . $liclass . '>' . "\n"; $html [] = '<a href="' . $page->gethref () . '">' . $page->getlabel () . '</a>' . "\n"; $prevdepth = $depth; } echo join ( php_eol, $html );
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