objective c - How to play Sound File In Silent Mode iPhone sdk? -

how play sound file in silent mode iphone sdk ?

i m trying play sound file in silent mode result 0

i have tried code

systemsoundid soundid; audioservicescreatesystemsoundid((cfurlref)[nsurl fileurlwithpath:fullpath],&soundid); audioservicesplaysystemsound (soundid); 

when import in header file

#import <audiotoolbox/audiotoolbox.h> 

create error

error: expected identifier before '\x786f7073'

asnwer possible.....

thanks in advance



you have define audio session category not silenced mute switch.

check out audio session page on apple dev site : http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/audio/conceptual/audiosessionprogrammingguide/audiosessioncategories/audiosessioncategories.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/tp40007875-ch4-sw1

maybe avaudiosessioncategoryplayandrecord 1 need.


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