java - Eclipse plugin won't go from RESOLVED to ACTIVE -

i have eclipse plugin bundle i've created won't go resolved state active.

i've tried opening osgi console see why bundle won't start there doesn't appear problems. if type "start bundleid" starts expect.

the bundle using 'org.eclipse.ui.startup' extension point i'm using perform task during eclipse workspace startup.

this manifest in use:

manifest-version: 1.0 bundle-manifestversion: 2 bundle-name: bundle bundle-symbolicname: com.joejag.bundle;singleton:=true bundle-version: 1.1.0.qualifier bundle-activator: com.joejag.bundle.activator require-bundle: org.eclipse.ui,  org.eclipse.core.runtime,  org.eclipse.core.resources bundle-vendor: joejag bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment: j2se-1.5 

the bundle intended used others. asking them start osgi console , manually start bundle isn't viable solution.

this nearest on subject isn't helpful.see wiki eclipse.

if need set plugin autostarted , expecting people install plugin through p2, need add p2.inf file. file contains install instructions.

add following p2.inf file metadata directory of plugin:

instructions.configure = setstartlevel(startlevel:4); markstarted(started: true); 

more information on p2.inf file can found here.


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