jquery uploadify -

i want upload multiple file title , link. getting following error

invalid property id


my code :

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">                 var divmsg ='<%= divmsg.clientid %>';             var errcnt=0;         $(document).ready(function() {         $('#divupload').uploadify({         'uploader': websiteurl + 'admin/fileupload/uploadify.swf',         'script': websiteurl + 'admin/banner-image-upload.aspx?type=fileupload',         'multi' : 'true',         'method' : 'post',         'cancelimg' : websiteurl + 'admin/images/cancel.png',         'folder': '../source/bannerimage',         'queuesizelimit' : '20',         'filedesc' : '*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp',         'fileext': '*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp',         'wmode' : 'transparent',         'oncancel':function(event,queueid,fileobj,data){if(data['filecount']==0){txtboxindex=0;$('#btnuploadfile').hide();}else{txtboxindex=txtboxindex-1;}},         'onallcomplete': function(event,data)          {             if(errcnt==0)             {                         window.opener.location.href =websiteurl + 'admin/home-banner-list.aspx?mode=uploadsucc';                window.close();             }          },         'onselect' : function(event,queueid,fileobj){$('#btnuploadfile').show();},         'oncomplete': function(event,queueid,fileobj,response,data){if(response=='maxupload')errcnt++;}})         });         function uploadfiles()         {                     var cnt='';             var str='';             var strlink='';              $('.txttitle').each(function(index){                                             if(jquery.trim($(this).val())=='')                  {                     if(cnt.length ==0)                         cnt=(index + 1);                     else                         cnt=cnt + ',' +(index + 1);                  }             });             if(cnt.length!=0)             {                     alert('please insert title in photo#' + cnt);                 return false;             }             $('.txttitle').each(function(index){                 cnt= $(this).attr('name').replace('txttitle','');                 str =str + ',\'' + $(this).attr('name') + '\':\'' + $(this).val() + '\'';                 str =str + ',\'' + $('.tbxlink').attr('name') + '\':\'' + $('.tbxlink').val() + '\'';                 str= str + ',\'' + cnt + '\':\'' +  $('#hdnfile'+ cnt).val() + '\'';             });                            str='{' + str + '}';              alert(str);                         eval('$(\'#divupload\').uploadifysettings(\'scriptdata\',' + str +');');                                     $('#divupload').uploadifyupload();         }     </script> 

you're generating invalid code, this:

$('#divupload').uploadifysettings('scriptdata',{,'txttitle1':'title1','tbxlink1':'link1','1':'image1.png'},'1');                                                 ^ invalid comma 

but...it's better not use eval() @ all, can construct data object bracket notation, this:

var data = {}; $('.txttitle').each(function() {   data[this.name] = this.value;   data[$('.tbxlink').attr('name')] = $('.tbxlink').val();   data[cnt] = $('#hdnfile'+ this.name.replace('txttitle','')).val(); }); $('#divupload').uploadifysettings('scriptdata',data); 

granted that's literal translation of you're trying do...this still isn't optimal, $('.tbxlink').attr('name') line, since you're wanting .tbxlink relates this .txttitle element you're on, without seeing markup can't should like.


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