Python - how to get class instance reference from an attribute class? -

class a()         att = b()      class b()         ...  = a()  b = b()  a.att = b 

how can b reference of ? need attribute of here.


you can make generic "reference()" class, keep reference of in attributes dictionnary.

class reference(object):     def __init__(self):         self.references = {}      def __setattr__(self, key, value):         if hasattr(self, 'references'):             if isinstance(value, reference):                 if not key in value.references:                     value.references[key] = []                 value.references[key].append(self)              elif value none , hasattr(self, key):                 old = getattr(self, key).references                 if key in old , self in old[key]:                     old[key].remove(self)          super(reference, self).__setattr__(key, value) 

and then, create classes :

class a(reference):     def __init__(self):         super(a, self).__init__()         self.att = none  class b(reference):     def __init__(self):         super(b, self).__init__()         self.att = none 

and use :

a = a() b = b()  print 'a references', a.references print 'b references', b.references # references {} # b references {}  a.att = b  print 'a references', a.references print 'b references', b.references # references {} # b references {'att': [<__main__.a object @ 0x7f731c8fc910>]} 

at end, you'll have reference reference class properties


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