java - Having a maven project build its own dependencies? -

with maven possible have top-level project who's packaging type "war" build , of dependent modules (packaged jar) , have build generate project.war file?

much of documentation examples , other examples i've seen use top-level project packaging type of "pom" , project serves purpose of tying modules together. can avoid this?

so need declaring <module>my-module</module> maven build, , in same pom, declaring <dependency>'s artifact...</dependency> on same module needs built. maybe plugin suggested?

update: in other words (to simplify problem): if have project a , project b, project a depends on project b - there way me execute build on project a , have automatically build project b (and include project b dependency - creating projecta.war contains projectb.jar)?

that's not top-level project for. war project has dependencies, artifacts (e.g. jars) included in war (in web-inf/lib) when run 'mvn package'. war project pom can have top-level project parent, shouldn't parent of dependencies. may want have top-level project parent of both war project , of jar projects dependencies in war.


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