jsf - Best way to check for record existence in editor form -

i'd implement record detail page, user can call using url like:


now if record specified identfier can found, actual editor page should displayed, if cannot found error page should displayed instead.

what's best way achieve behaviour using jsf 2.0 , facelets?

i thought of (in pseudocode):


  <if #{!recordbean.recordfound}>     <ui:include detailnotfound.xhtml>   <else>     ... show regular edit form here ...   <endif> 

are better or "more accepted" ways of doing this?

use rendered attribtue this. assuming #{recordbean.list} returns list, here's example:

<h:panelgroup rendered="#{empty recordbean.list}">     <ui:include src="detailnotfound.xhtml" /> </h:panelgroup> <h:panelgroup rendered="#{not empty recordbean.list}">     ... </h:panelgroup> 

or, if both include pages, use conditional operator ?: straight in src of ui:include:

<ui:include src="#{empty recordbean.list ? 'detailnotfound.xhtml' : 'showdetails.xhtml'}" /> 

for case you're interested, here more examples of possible boolean conditions in rendered attribute:

<h:somecomponent rendered="#{bean.booleanvalue}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{bean.intvalue > 10}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{bean.objectvalue == null}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{bean.stringvalue != 'somevalue'}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{!empty bean.collectionvalue}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{!bean.booleanvalue , bean.intvalue != 0}" /> <h:somecomponent rendered="#{bean.enumvalue == 'one' or bean.enumvalue == 'two'}" /> 


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