c++ - Make QListWidget only show 1 item -

i have created class inherits qlistwidget , meant stack of cards.

i have overloaded drag , drop functions allow card dragged table (another object of program) , stumble on problem.

the qlistwidget shows items (mainly because add them gui beginning).

so how goes: in mainwindow initialise cardpile object , fill shuffled vector of cards.

now want qlistwidget show 1 (but showing grid cards).

on drop remove item qlistwidget. have no idea if add , remove 1 card @ time (so shows 1 card ofcourse) in code.

public:     tilestack(qwidget *parent = 0);     void addcard(qpixmap pixmap, qpoint location);     qpixmap showcard();  protected:     void dragenterevent(qdragenterevent *event);     void dragmoveevent(qdragmoveevent *event);     void startdrag(qt::dropactions supportedactions); //in function remove current item 

these functions in cardpile : qlistwidget.


void tilestack::startdrag(qt::dropactions /*supportedactions*/) {     qlistwidgetitem *item = currentitem();      qbytearray itemdata;     qdatastream datastream(&itemdata, qiodevice::writeonly);     qpixmap pixmap = qvariantvalue<qpixmap>(item->data(qt::userrole));     qpoint location = item->data(qt::userrole+1).topoint();      datastream << pixmap << location;      qmimedata *mimedata = new qmimedata;     mimedata->setdata("card", itemdata);      qdrag *drag = new qdrag(this);     drag->setmimedata(mimedata);     drag->sethotspot(qpoint(pixmap.width()/2, pixmap.height()/2));     drag->setpixmap(pixmap);      if (drag->exec(qt::moveaction) == qt::moveaction)         delete takeitem(row(item));     //should make add next item here? , how should put     here? } 

because have vector of shuffled cards in mainwindow (where add cards in forloop).

or should make signal , slot connect between mainwindow , cardpile - when

delete takeitem(row(item)); 

is called emit signal says add next card list?

thanks feedback

you can use qstackwiget (the first line of desription want ahieve) instead of qlistwidget.


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