html - How to get Facebook like button to add a website and add the user to our Facebook page -

i've set new website @ , have facebook page don't have url hand @ moment (but it's called elite fight kit). want add facebook buttons website. can understand how add them product pages want have 'join on facebook' button @ base of page in footer i'm producing visitors can added list of people on our facebook page. we're growing nice group of people on there.

i've looked facebook button , seems suggest when user clicks (if configured correctly) feed item added users profile website , provide link site. seems either have them website or facebook group. that's great wondered if there way have them click button, add link website join them our facebook page. there way or 2 seperate buttons?

this article helpful when looking facebook button: pretty got me rolling, although facebook developer page wasn't hard head around either. :)

hope has experience can throw light on me. in advance!

i've looked similar request before decided - given current social plugin documentation - done 2 separate buttons. advice make button on website point facebook page, prominent link website there. without wanting state obvious, wall posts appear people liking page advertise both!


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