odbc - what is the best way to export data from Filemaker Pro 6 to Sql Server? -

i'm migrating/consolidating multiple fmp6 databases single c# application backed sql server 2008. problem have how export data real database (sql server) can work on data quality , normalisation. significant, there number of repeating fields need normalised child tables.

as see there few different options, of involve either connecting to fmp on odbc , using intermediate copy data across (either custom code or ms acess linked tables), or, exporting flat file format (csv no header or xml) , either use excel generate insert statements or write custom code load file.

i'm leaning towards writing custom code migration (like this article does, in c# instead of perl) on odbc, i'm concerned overhead of writing migrator used once (as new system existing db's archived)...

a few little joyful caveats: in version of fmp there's 1 table per file, , single column may have multi-value attributes, separated hex 1d, ascii group separator, of course!

does have experience similar migrations?

i have done in past, using mysql backend. method use export csv or merge format , them use load data infile statement.

sql server may have similar, maybe link bulk insert


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