kSOAP 2 Android -

i don't know why not able this?....maybe missing or plain dumb

i want trying call webservice android app

now came across ksoap 2 android library needed

however, see many guys in many posts pointing 1 have include jar ksoap2 android platform in eclipse

but jar include ?

at "http://code.google.com/p/ksoap2-android/" see link git source entire source there.....so take files needed , make jar out of it.

also see many guys saying include jar file ending "-dependencies"....however, downloading such file seems issue....i don't file correct size.

so, jar file include in eclipse calling webservices w.r.t. ksoap 2 ?

thanks yogurt

you want include file: ksoap2-android-assembly-2.5.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar' file 142 kb, or 145,350 bytes. don't need make jar directly, can downloaded here.

also, video here you'll fine quite helpful.


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