c++ - Does this code work universaly, or is it just my system? -

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std;  int main() {         locale system("");         locale::global(system);          wcin.imbue(system);          wstring data;         getline(wcin,data);          wcout.imbue(system);         wcout << data << l" length=" << data.length() << endl;          locale utffile("en_us.utf-8");         wofstream file("my_utf_file.txt");         file.imbue(utffile);          file << data;         file << endl;          file.close();          return 0; } 

it's system. locale names not part of c++ standard, "en_us.utf-8" not universally valid. it's not locale similar exists.


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