c++ - This iterator is not iterating, whats wrong? -
problem iterator not iterating through loop. don't know why. #includes in header wont.
#include "neutronfilereader.h" using namespace std ; neutronfilereader::neutronfilereader() { } list<vector<float> > neutronfilereader::spectrum(char* filename) { ifstream fin(filename) ; string binhi, binlo ; list<vector<float> > neutronspectrum ; list<vector<float> >::iterator ns ; vector<float> energyprobability ; while(!fin.eof()) { getline(fin, binlo, ' ') ; //get binlo string cout << "binlo: "<<binlo << endl ; getline(fin, binhi, ' ') ; //get binhi string cout<<"binhi: "<<binhi<<endl ; energyprobability.push_back(atof(binhi.c_str())+(atof(binhi.c_str()) - atof(binlo.c_str()))/2) ; //store middle of bin emission energy getline(fin, binlo) ; //try not waste memory space cout<<"prob: "<<binlo<<endl ; energyprobability.push_back(atof(binlo.c_str())) ; //store emnission probability neutronspectrum.push_back(energyprobability) ; //put vector in list //cout<<neutronspectrum<<endl ; } for(ns = neutronspectrum.begin() ; ns != neutronspectrum.end() ; ns++) //go through neutron spectrum { energyprobability = (*ns) ; cout << "binval: " << energyprobability[0] << " " << "binprob: " << energyprobability[1] << endl ; cout << "binval: " << (*ns)[0] << ", binprob: " << (*ns)[1] << ", memadd: " << &ns << endl ; // print energy & prob screen } return neutronspectrum ; }
anyway, here appreciated, have moved while loop, yes bug testing it's important bit of code. cheers guys, learning.
you're not clearing out energyprobability between input loops. (*ns)[0] therefore seeing redundantly stored values first input, ignoring new values in [2], [4] etc.. add energyprobability.clear()
before reading more values it.
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