.net - Identifying target machine (32 bit or 64 bit) with ClickOnce deployment -

i have windows forms application , deploying application through clickonce deployment. now, i've third-party dll file , has different versions 32-bit , 64-bit os.

is possible deploy different dll files based on target machine (32-bit or 64-bit) through clickonce?


it's not necessary use reflection. can add reference program directly in loader , kick off. did blog post code @ tech , me.

include both versions in deployment, name them differently. have loader app check if on 32bit or 64bit system, copy correct dll (eg thirdparty64.dll -> thirdparty.dll) real program linked to, , invoke program loader example assembly.load , use reflection start main method.

an easier method compile application run x86, ensuring run in 32bit mode. if don´t rely on specific application being installed on machine in 32/64bit versions best choice.


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