vb.net - opening up web browser from winform -

done quite bit of looking not finding need. win form i'd open web browser passing in url. need provide authentication while doing this. tried using system.diagnostics.process.start("http://userid:pw@site") not work. hoping lend hand.

thanks shannon

using tip.. here have...

dim m new system.security.securestring dim pw string = "mypassword"

    each c char in pw         m.appendchar(c)     next      dim pis processstartinfo = new processstartinfo("http://test/pagegoingafter.aspx")     pis         .username = "userid"         .password = m         .useshellexecute = false     end     process.start(pis) 

i'm getting logon failure: unknown user name or password. it's seems strange me.. if in firefox http://userid:mypassword@test/pagegoingafter.aspx can page. if same thing in ie 8... no joy.

so there else can done ie work.. cause i'm thinking allow above code work well.

you can provide credentials process.

see this overload process.start - takes username, password , domain.

there other alternatives - see this blog post.


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