JavaScript current URL check -

i wondering how javascript check if user on url can build if statement result.

my reasoning if user clicks on link in menu , on trucks.php javascript redirect them page. if not on trucks.php directed different page.

cheers guys.

the current location in location.href.

the location object contains other useful fields:

  • location.hash: part after # in url
  • hostname including port (if specified)
  • location.hostname: hostname
  • location.pathname: requested uri without protocol/host/port; starting /
  • location.port: port - if 1 specified in url
  • location.protocol: 'http:' or 'https:' - mind colon @ end

in case fail-safe way check if filename trucks.php this:

var parts = location.pathname.split('/'); if(parts[parts.length - 1] == 'trucks.php') {     location.href = 'some-other-page'; } 

if want redirect without keeping current page in history, use following code instead of location.href assignment:



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