c# - WCF Service doesn't check client certificate CRL chain -

endpoint binding wshttpbinding security mode=message, , clientcredentialtype=certificate.

i set following behavior on server side(set server certificate , validate client certificate):

<behavior name="servicebehaviour"> <servicecredentials>      <servicecertificate            storelocation="localmachine"            storename="my"            x509findtype="subjectname"               findvalue="cn=myservercertificatename" />      <clientcertificate>           <authentication             certificatevalidationmode="peertrust"             trustedstorelocation="localmachine"             revocationmode="online" />       </clientcertificate> </servicecredentials> </behavior> 

i set client certificate in following way:

 <behavior name="clientendpointcredential">      <clientcredentials>           <clientcertificate                storename="my"                storelocation="localmachine"                x509findtype="findbysubjectname"                findvalue="myclientcertificatename" />       </clientcredentials>   </behavior> 

with code server checks client crl , peer trust. check works fine.

the problem when add following code in client credentials:

           <servicecertificate>                <authentication                     certificatevalidationmode="peertrust"                     trustedstorelocation="localmachine"                     revocationmode="online" />            </servicecertificate>       </clientcredentials> 

when change clientcredentials.servicecertificate.authentication properties crl chain not checked! crl publish server down , server still receive client messages!

i wanted add code in order make client verify chain of server certificate.

thank in advance.


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