osx - stop hg serve on os x -

how stop hg serve in os x (server 10.6)?

i started terminal not in daemon mode. worked fine, wanted make changes, did ctrl-z stop it. when tried start again, says...

abort: cannot start server @ ':8000': address in use 

i assume process running , hasn't let go of port. in activity monitor can't find , "serve" or "hg" or "mercurial" processes kill.


do following find out process id:

hgt $ ps -eaf | grep hg   502 91004 90841   0   0:00.04 ttys007    0:00.11 /opt/local/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.6/resources/python.app/contents/macos/python /opt/local/bin/hg serve   502 91032 90841   0   0:00.00 ttys007    0:00.00 grep hg 

kill process

kill -9 91004 

next time use ctrl-c stop server. :)


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