- Autopostback not updating updatePanels in IE6 -

having issue supporting ie6 (meh)..

i have update panel triggered radio buttons. pretty straightforward.. show form if 1 button clicked, or form if button clicked. in ie 7, 8, firefox, etc. works fine.

in ie6, radiobutton selection doesnt update form. if make selection, click submit button, when page reloads in it's desired state (meaning correct form show). it's autopostback isnt firing update page.

has encountered issue? in advance..

here's shortened sample of im running into:

<asp:updatepanel id="updrdobuyingfor" runat="server"> <triggers>     <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="rdobuyingfor" eventname="selectedindexchanged" /> </triggers> <contenttemplate>     <asp:radiobuttonlist id="rdobuyingfor" runat="server" autopostback="true" >         <asp:listitem text="i buying else" value="1" />         <asp:listitem text="it's me" value="2" />     </asp:radiobuttonlist> </contenttemplate> 

<asp:updatepanel id="updmyinfo" runat="server">     <triggers>         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="ddlmyinfo_country" eventname="selectedindexchanged" />         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="imgbtncontinue" eventname="click" />         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="rdobuyingfor" eventname="selectedindexchanged" />     </triggers>     <contenttemplate>         ...code form a...     </contenttemplate> <asp:updatepanel id="updfriendsinfo" runat="server">     <triggers>         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="ddlmyinfo_country" eventname="selectedindexchanged" />         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="imgbtncontinue" eventname="click" />         <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="rdobuyingfor" eventname="selectedindexchanged" />     </triggers>     <contenttemplate>         ...code form b...     </contenttemplate> 

in response @pabuc below, im setting visible property of table in "code form a\b" true or false depending on radio button selection.

i've had same problem combobox.

what did instead of making combobox visible, invisible, made tablerow visible invisible. i'm sure it'll work too. if have more 1 cells in row, make cell visible/invisible.

let me know if works.


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