jQuery .get not working on new server -

im using jquery .get pull in , parse xml file. working fine on test environment, when moved production server not working. there wrong code cause this?

$(document).ready(function()         {           $.ajax({             type: "get",             url: "rss/ninjatraderrss.xml",             datatype: "xml",             success: parsexml           });            function parsexml(xml)             {               $(xml).find('item').each(function() {                     var title = $(this).find('title').text();                     var page  = $(this).find('link').text();                     var desc  = $(this).find('description').text();                     $('#ticker').append($('<li>', '<a href={text: page}>', {text: title}, {text: desc}));                     //$('#ticker').append($('<li><a href="' + page + '">' + title + '</a>' + '&nbsp;' + '-' + '&nbsp;' + desc + '</li>'));                 });                 $('ul#ticker').newsticker();             }         }); 

when view net in firebug returning 200 ok xml, when inspect element not appending ul.

im using jquery "newsticker" plug in make them cycle through. there way without plug in? im in bad spot here...help appreciated. thx

the problem lies following in script:

$('#ticker').append($('<li>', '<a href={text: page}>', {text: title}, {text: desc})); //$('#ticker').append($('<li><a href="' + page + '">' + title + '</a>' + '&nbsp;' + '-' + '&nbsp;' + desc + '</li>')); 

commenting out first line instead of second fixes problem.


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