iphone - Lib xml delegate selector is not working -

i got 1 problem in lib xml parser.

in end document below code here

-(void)enddocument  {     nsdictionary *userinfo = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:@"failed 404 or 500"                                                                  forkey:@"error_message"];             nserror *error = [nserror errorwithdomain:@"parsingdomain"                                                  code:500                                              userinfo:userinfo];              sel selector = @selector(parse:encounterederror: forid: forobj:);             nsmethodsignature *sig = [(id)self.delegate methodsignatureforselector:selector];             if(nil != sig && [self.delegate respondstoselector:selector]) // codition failed             {                 printf("\n in selector invocation");                 nsinvocation *invocation = [nsinvocation invocationwithmethodsignature:sig];                 [invocation retainarguments];                 [invocation settarget:self.delegate];                 [invocation setselector:selector];                 [invocation setargument:&self atindex:2];                 [invocation setargument:&error atindex:3];                 [invocation setargument:&id atindex:4];                 [invocation setargument:&obj atindex:5];                 [invocation performselectoronmainthread:@selector(invoke) withobject:null waituntildone:no];             }     } 

i commented @ failed condition in above code.

thank you, madan mohan.

i think there spelling mistake check @ line

sel selector = @selector(parse:encounterederror: forid: forobj:);

use parser instead of parse



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