wordpress - Custom Post Type as a Taxonomy -

i stuck in problem , need guys. below scenario:

  1. i have 2 custom post type: movie , crew
  2. crew behave single person i.e tom cruise, actor(crewtype)
  3. crewtype : custom taxonomy crew i.e director, actor

the question want attach crew(tom cruise) movie(mi2) have following 2 views:

  1. when goto movie page have tom cruise listed in cast , crew
  2. when goto actor biography page mi2 listed in filmography.

thanks advance....

i worked on project had similar scenario. can create additional custom taxonomy crew post type called crewmovie. key have slug terms in crewmovie taxonomy match slug movie post type.

to list crew when are on movie page, can custom query post type = crew & taxonomy = crewmovie & term = movie-slug.

to list movies when on crew page, list terms crewmovie taxonomy.


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