Problem with search and replace batch file -
i have xml file , have batch file search specific string within file, replace string defined user , output new xml file:
@echo off > entities_1.xml setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if exist entities_1.xml del entities_1.xml set /p name= new space name? /f "tokens=* delims= " %%g in (entities.xml) ( set str=%%g set str=!str:[test space]=[%name%]! echo !str! >> entities_1.xml )
this works , instances of [test space] replaced value defined user.
my issue, however, batch file stripping out instances of exclamation (!) marks. example in xml there lines similar this:
<property name="title"><![cdata[test2]]></property>
when batch script run, replacing above with:
<property name="title"><[cdata[test2]]></property>
i.e. stripping out !.
where going wrong? ideas?
it's wrong way of receiving line set str=%%g while delayed expansion enabled.
it's because delayed expansion phase after %%v expansion phase.
with disabled delayed expansion got problem, can not replace string in safe way. have toggle delayed expansion.
@echo off > entities_1.xml setlocal disabledelayedexpansion if exist entities_1.xml del entities_1.xml set /p name= new space name? /f "tokens=* delims= " %%g in (entities.xml) ( set str=%%g setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set str=!str:[test space]=[%name%]! >> entities_1.xml echo(!str! endlocal )
switching redirection, didn't append space.
using echo(, not echo on if !str! empty.
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